Year Of Freedom

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All glory to God, Bride of Christ church where the truth is spoken without any diluting of the Word of God, the church has enabled me to grow more close to God, and the most important one is the church speaks about the second coming of Jesus where not many churches speak about the Great day, Because the first message I received from the pulpit was about the Second coming of Jesus

Siddhesh Chari

After attending Bride of Christ Church, the Word of God spoken here has definitely molded my life and is molding continuously. As I stay in Mumbai, I attend the online church most of time and also whenever I get the chance to attend the church in Bangalore, I have enjoyed the presence of God while worshiping with the brothers and sisters in Christ and enjoyed the fellowship after the church. Bible study conducted by the church has been of great help. Thanking God for His another great move He has started through the Bride of Christ Church in preparing people for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and making people of God gain better knowledge in the word of God.

Alice Princy

God has been so Faithfull to me, Bride of Christ Church has been a great blessing to me, the church has helped me to Grow more in my spiritual life, The church has given a clear direction for my life to choose the narrow path, rather the Broadway, I Myself can see a great change in me